Stormwater Management
What is Storm Water?
Stormwater is water from precipitation that flows across the ground and pavement when it rains, snows, or ice melts. The water seeps into the ground, drains on hard surfaces, and some enters into the storm sewer inlets. Water that collects in the storm sewer system impacts water quality when it flows into our creeks, streams, and rivers.
Stormwater Management
The Federal Clean Water Act governs stormwater management and stormwater point discharges to the waters of the United States. In 1999 the Federal regulations extended coverage to local separate storm sewer systems (MS4's) serving populations less than 100,000 people. In Year 2020 PA DEP issued Atglen Borough its first MS4 permit. Our community must comply with the Federal and State clean water and stormwater regulations. Atglen Borough developed a stormwater management plan based on a framework of six (6) minimum control measures as follows: Public education and outreach; Public involvement and participation; Illicit discharge detection and elimination; Construction site runoff control; Post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment; Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for Borough operations and maintenance.
Atglen Borough's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program
The goals of the Borough and our MS4 program are to reduce the discharge of pollutants entering the Borough's stormwater system, protect water quality, and satisfy the Federal Clean Water Act. The end point for water and debris that enters our stormwater inlets and stormwater pipes is our local wetlands, creeks, and streams. The stormwater remains untreated meaning it is not cleaned at the Borough's wastewater treatment plant. As stormwater flows along the roadways it picks up litter, pet waste, leaking vehicle fluids, and excess lawn fertilizers and pesticides.
We ask our residents to not drop items or dirty water in our stormwater inlets. Clean up after your pets. Use fertilizers properly and efficiently to prevent excess runoff. Recycle used oils. Dispose of hazardous waste responsibly. If you see litter in the roadway help us by picking it up. If you notice someone dumping in the storm inlets please call Borough Hall at 610.593.6854.
To learn how to safely dispose of automotive waste and household hazardous waste visit the Chester County Solid Waste Authority website.
Stormwater Management Ordinance 671-23
Chester County Water Resources Authority website
Chester County Conservation District website
Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater Management
Guide for Homeowners to Maintain Stormwater BMP's